Jorge Guzman Portfolio

24 x 24 Spray-paint, acrylic, and construction paper on Canvas. “Tittle”

Stencils are a vital component of my art. These stencils tend to be multi-layered that act as the focal point within the piece that hold a sense of interaction for the viewer. Outside of the stencil, a great deal of content can be seen with many things like flowers, washes, and structured letters. These components all have a symbolic meaning behind the piece and tend to represent a form of hope within the painting.

“Fe” Metal Sculpture. Metal and Spray-Paint

We have all seen graffiti on walls in a 2-Dimensional form, but have you ever seen a 3-Dimensional form of Graffiti that stands still on a stand? This sculpture is made of metal and has been painted over with metallic car paint. On top of the car paint layer, a stencil of a feminine figure holding a phone appears along with words of positivity.

“Michoacán” Spray-Paint and Acrylic on Canvas

“Michoacán” is a piece in which there are subtle messages regarding the social issues in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. As previously mentioned, a lot of objects hold symbolism and meaning and this piece is not the exception. In Michoacán, there is a very famous monarch butterfly reserve and hundreds of avocado plantations that unfortunately have been infected by organized crime with extortion and corruption, that is why there is a money sign and red tags symbolizing corruption and the blood shed by innocents who want to simply make a living.

“ROIZ” Tag-Exchange Wall Mural. Spray-Paint

This is large-scale piece that was executed in Joliet, Illinois. There is a mixture of graffiti letters that are structured to purposely flow well with an avocado that replaces the letter ”O”. The avocado was incorporated in order to establish an honorary symbol to those people who may have lost their lives in the fight to keep their precious farms clean from extortion by organized crime groups.

“CTA Nostalgic Line” Graphite, Charcoal, and Acrylic Paint on wood panel.

One thing I surely treasure very much is my childhood. My childhood years were some of the happiest times of my life. Surely, I hold my childhood close to myself. This piece honors my childhood years and everything that I was surrounded by as a child. Comics, superhero movies and a select number of animes really shaped my young childhood years and this piece was dedicated to such time period in my life.
